Saturday, April 9, 2011

Brand X Files: Planned Parenthood. Kelly Clarkson. Fried egg burgers. - Brand X

Kelly ClarksonPlanned Parenthood at heart of potential government shutdown: “We are not – we are not! – bending on women’s health,” Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said today, responding to Republican arguments that the organization uses government funds for abortions rather than cancer screenings, contraceptives and the other health incentives it has pursued for the last 41 years. The government will likely shut down over the budget issues at midnight tonight. [ABC News]

Kelly Clarkson heading back to ‘American Idol’: The Season 1 winner, who delivered a ferocious (seriously!) medley of her hits on “The Ellen DeGeneres Show” earlier this week, will return to the FOX show next Thursday to remind America that reality competitions were once judged on talent instead of facial hair and choppy haircuts. [People]

Tina Fey is pregnant: But will the “Bossypants” scribe’s forthcoming baby bump make an appearance on “30 Rock”? Only Liz Lemon knows for sure. [Reuters]

Fried egg burgers: PopSugar has four suggestions on where to eat the decadent dinner. Our personal favorite was at the unlisted Burger 90210, but a Google search reveals the restaurant is no longer open. Any further suggestions? [PopSugar]

Bear in a box: In what looks like a very poorly planned April Fools’ joke, here is a photo of an actual bear inside some 9-to-5'ers cubicle. Unfortunately, no picnic baskets. [Gizmodo]

–David Greenwald

Photo: Kelly Clarkson performs during Muhammad Ali’s Celebrity Fight Night XVII at JW Marriot Desert Ridge Resort & Spa on March 19, 2011 in Phoenix, Arizona. Credit: Mike Moore/Getty Images for Celebrity Fight Night

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