Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Kelly Clarkson For Celebrity Quick Weight Loss Diet?

Are you jealous? Seeing all these latest Celebrity Quick Weight Loss programs or hearing about a Celebrity Losing Weight! What are they doing that you're not? Is there a secret food or method that they're using?

Something that i came across recently caught my attention. In actual fact this is a diet program that has been around for over 30 years. So it can hardly be described as the Latest Celebrity Quick Weight Loss Program, but was bought into the limelight again again by stars such as Kelly Clarkson, Jennifer Hudson and Madonna's ex, Guy Ritchie!

It is of course, Dr Siegal's Cookie Diet. This diet works on the principle of you eating 6 protein and amino acid packed cookies throughout the day. These cookies will replace meals one and two in your day and are reported to be able to suppress your hunger. Finally in the evening you treat yourself to balanced and healthy meal not exceeding 800 calories.

I can actually see the likes of Ms Clarkson and her peers looking for the latest Celebrity Quick Weight Loss Diet and then stumbling across a fad that was originally introduced in 1975. In that time it has actually been used and prescribed by over 200 doctors in the US and is there something in this diet?

I'm not to sure how long I could stick to a diet of just eating cookies. Although, to begin with it does sound very tempting, I believe that not only me, but many others will have lost the willpower to continually eat cookies for a sustained period of time...and this, of course, is when most diets fail!

There have been reports that patients following Dr Siegal's Cookie Diet and possibly the returning favourite Celebrity Quick Weight Loss Diet have lost up to 10 pounds a month. Click here to read the Top 10 Facts on this diet and a personal review.

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