Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Gifts For Your Kids

Christmas is approaching, and if you are a parent, your children would be expecting something from you. You can go with zhu zhu pets hamsters or train your kid to be a singer like Kelly Clarkson. Zhu Zhu pets is the new toy for kids this year, 2009. Basically zhu zhu hamsters is the world of robotics hamsters. These hamsters have their own city, ball, car, and many more (these are sold separately from the hamsters). I don't know why people are crazy over this toy but I guess it is because of the way they move. Remember, these toys are robots in the form of a mouse. So the robots taking the form of a mouse makes them cute and adorable, thereby attracting people to them. You can watch a video of these pets on Youtube and see for yourself.

The age group that mostly loves zhu zhu pets are young children between the age of 3 -10 years. But there was a report by a consumer group that is claiming that the zhu zhu pets is harmful to these children. The group claims that the toys possesses antimony, which causes health problems in children. As we all know, the manufacturer of the toy must always defend its product. The Manufacturer was right, and the products are safe for children.

So this raises the question, what if zhu pets wasn't safe for children? This is up to the parents to always follow the news about the product to be kept abreast of any new development. If a parent decides not to get the pets, they can go with Kelly Clarkson's album, Breakaway. The album contains hit singles like, Breakaway, Behind these hazel eyes and Because of you. Other kids loves these album. With their help, they made the album popular.

Which is better, zhu zhu pets or Breakaway Album? The decision is up to you.

The author is a writer that loves looking for Papa Johns Coupons. You can view his site KFC coupons.

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