Friday, April 15, 2011

Kelly Clarkson's new album will be "crazy pop-rock" -

The album's producer Rodney Jerkins has revealed some information on the American Idol's new album, which is due out in July.image: Kelly Clarkson

Just as the current series of American Idol moves towards it’s end, news comes of the original American Idol Kelly Clarkson’s new album makes an appearance.

The singer isn’t due to release her latest offering until later in the year but her producer, Rodney Jerkins, has given fans an idea of what to expect from the star’s new material.

“A called “I Forgive You” that me and Lauren Christy did is just crazy pop-rock. The first person who  came to mind to sing it was Kelly Clarkson, so I sent it immediately and got a response that night.”

“She came out to record,” he continued. “The energy was great and I just finished mixing it. She nailed it.”

The album is expected to be released in July, although Jerkins felt it should have perhaps been put back to September.

“I think we can get back in the studio to do a couple more things,” he added.

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